
A novel linear accelerator based stereotactic radiosurgery system

Ning Wen

A novel platform for LINAC-based SRS treatment, the Edge, (Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto, CA) offers multiple imaging modalities for treatment localization, including an optical surface monitoring system (OSMS) for surface tracking, 2.5 MV portal imaging, triggered monoscopic kV imaging to track intra-fractional motion, 4D CBCT to evaluate tumor motion offline, extended CBCT images by stitching multiple CBCT scans together, and a Calypso/Varian electromagnetic beacon-based tracking system. The new PerfectPitchTM couch supports six degrees-of-freedom (6DoF) corrections from multiple imaging modalities used for precise patient setup. The new flat panel imager (DMI) has a greater dynamic range and faster image readout rate to process high dose rate of flatten filter free beams without saturation.
