
Case-Efficacy of Ayurveda Therapies in a Case of Cervical Spondylitis with Disc Osteophytes Complex & Grade 1 Central Canal Stenosis

Priya Ranjan

The role of Ayurvedic external therapies namely Abhyangam, Marma therapy along with Patrapinda Swedana & Nadiswedana was studied In a patient of cervical spondylitis with disc osteophytes complex & grade 1 central Canal stenosis 1 st week treatment protocol Mahanarayana oil (Dabur) and Ksheerbala oil (Nagarjuna)were mixed together in equal quantities & used for cervical spine abhyangam. A different approach to abhyangam was followed which is given below: Both the oils (Luke warm) mixed together were applied over the cervical spine after which abhyangamI. Ayurvedic massage was performed with both hands (thumbs) from thoracic T1 vertebrae to base of skull towards occipital .This action of spine abhyangam was performed to reduce the compression force on cervical spine being an antigravity movement. The second step of abhyangam was performed by tilting the neck in right direction(ear lobule touching the shoulder & abhyangam was performed with right palm and fingers from top laterally occipital towards shoulder involving the paraspinal muscles of the neck and trapezius upper border. Similar action was performed on the other side of neck involving the left region. Both the above actions performed on either side of the neck help to release the tension on paraspinal muscles thereby reducing the compression load on spinal vertebrae All the actions were performed 10 times for 5 repetitions daily for 6 weeks Secondly the Marma therapy was performed after abhyangam which included the stimulation of Marma points of the upper limb and neck region involving kshipra,kurcha,kurchashira,Indrabasti,koorpara,ani,Bahvi,lohitaksha,kaks hadhara,krikatika,Asma & the amsaphalaka. Each Marma points were stimulated 10 times for 0.8 seconds for 5 repetitions Also Patrapaindaswedana was performed after both the above procedures for 15 minutes for neck, arm. 2nd week treatment protocol All the above steps in the 1 st week treatment protocol but here Patrapaindaswedana was replaced by Nadi Swedana. Both the above treatment protocol were followed alternatively weekwise for 6 weeks Making of Patrapinda/ medicated leaves bolud The leaves of Eranda, Nirgundi& Nimba were collected ,cut together and dried under the sun for 2 days. Thereafter the leaves were fired in a pan containing Mahanarayana oil for 10 minutes .The fried leaves were then collected and put in a 1*1 feet cotton cloth and tied together as a bolus to prepare the Pinda / potali. Thispinda or potali was then placed in a heating pan and consequently Warm swedana was performed on the affected areas of pain and numbness throughout the targeted area . Medicated Kadha /decoction for Nadiswedana The raw dasmool powder 50 gm was tied into a cotton cloth and put in a steam chamber with 3 litres of water to prepare the medicated steam which was then used for swedana or fomentation over the neck, shoulder and arm. Swedana was done till Samyuktaswedana Lakshana were seen. This special technique of abhyangam, swedanaalong with Marma therapy resulted in total reduction of pain as well as stiffness over the affected area to good extent. Also the patient was able to carry on with his day today work and lifestyle with precautions advised . Introduction: Canal stenosis is a condition when the small spinal canal which contains the nerve root and the spinalcord is compressed. While cervical spondylitis is referred to the inflammation of the spine which can be due to injury, ageing to infections. Patient present with all the above conditions finds pain ,difficulties in day today daily routine ,while many other symptoms like numbness ,improper posture ,stiffness can be associated alongside. Most commonly it may arise due to improper positioning while weight lifting ,or Vit D3 deficiency or due to mismanaged posture . Ayurveda classifies it under vata disorder thought pitta can be associated signaling inflammation during start or progression of the condition. The more aggravated vata can result into numbness over the affected part. So vata pacifying actions like Patrapindaswedana, abhyangam with oil, Nadiswedana and healing energy methodology via Marma therapy is performed to resolve the condition Stress management of the patient was taken care through pranayama and chakra meditation. Case Management: Patient was treated at Dr TewariAyurved Hospital located in Kichha ,district-Udham Singh nagar ,Uttarakhand,India for 6 weeks with the above mentioned procedure .Total therapy time involved per session was 1 hour . Conclusion: The effects of special abhyangam performed alongwithMarma therapy resulted in complete resolution of scoliosis and the disc bulge at L5-S1 level.Though no significant change was observed at L4-L5 disc bulge However the patient started experiencing no pain even after an hour of sitting ,also the riding vehicle capacity improved to good extent. The lifestyle of patient was highly improved after 3 months follow up Disclaimer: All Ayurvedic therapies provided aim towards improving the quality of life of the patient and does not advocate medical diagnosis or claim cure of disorders.
