
Educational Innovations for Teaching Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing: A Systematic Review

Angelidis A1, Tafa R2, Tsela K3, Patelarou E4 and Patelarou A5

The importance of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) in providing care has been widely investigated and highlighted by recent research studies. However, there is evidence showing that nurses and nursing students embrace EBP, but are not yet ready to implement EBP. Literature reveals recommendations and suggestions to this direction, focusing on nurses’ better training even from the undergraduate level. The implementation of the best teaching strategies of EBP module may lead to students’ high level of EBP competence. The purpose of the present systematic review was to recognize the existing educational, teaching, and learning strategies as well as educational innovations used to teach in nursing education. The authors carried out a systematic, comprehensive bibliographic search using Medline database and SCOPUS for the years 2004-2018. The search was conducted with the following search algorithm based on MESH terms; ((“Students, Nursing” OR “Nursing” OR “Nurses”) AND (“Models, Educational” OR “Online Education” OR “Education, Distance” OR “Health Education” OR “Online Learning” OR “Education” OR “Distance Learning” OR “Education, Nursing, Graduate” OR “Teaching” OR “Educative Innovations” OR “Training” OR “Curriculum”)) AND (“Evidence- Based Practice” OR “Evidence- Based Nursing”)).  As a first step of the systematic review 4985 studies were retrieved and, finally, 12 studies were included for further review. The research data provided a number of teaching methods and strategies such as SDL, E-FIT, Seminars, Games and Simulation. At the same time, an attempt was made to group the results, as the samples of the studies had a large geographical range and the number of participants ranged from tens to hundreds. There are many strategies for the EBP teaching in nursing, but the most vital part of the education process is the proper choice among them, in order to correspond effectively to students’ individualized educational needs, infrastructure of the educational institute and educator’s specialized knowledge.
