
Imaging and classification of Coronary Artery Fistulas. A coronary cameral fistula in a patient post CABG

V Fotios Toulgaridis, Batsouli Athina, Lampropoulos Konstantinos

Coronary artery anomalies are considered to be mainly congenital malformations of the coronary arteries. In most cases they are discovered by chance during coronary angiography in patients suffering from an acute or chronic coronary syndrome. They do not usually produce any clinical manifestations and are connected with sudden cardiac death particularly in younger patients. Many different methods of classification have been proposed, but most physicians prefer to distinguish them based on anatomical characteristics. Imaging as well as cardiovascular interventions are the cornerstone of diagnosis. In our case report, we discovered a rare coronary cameral fistula in the Left Circumflex coronary artery of a patient, that had a prior CABG and surgical Mitral Valve replacement history, during the procedure of invasive coronary angiography due to a Non-STEMI episode
