
Incidental thyroid nodules an ultrasound screening of the neck region: prevalence & risk factors

Maher Al Shayeb*, Sudhir Rama Varma, Abed El Kaseh,Awad Ashekhi, Syed Kuduruthullah, Issmaeledin El Khader

Objectives: The aim of this study is to determine the occurence of incidental thyroid nodules in patients undergoing routine neck ultrasound, and the presence of malignant thyroid nodules. This study also aims to evaluate the impact of age, sex, past medical history, habits and dietary intake as factors that can contribute to thyroid nodules. Materials and methods: This study is retrospective. Past medical records and ultrasound reports of 150 patients were reviewed and all age groups and nationalities were included. Results: Out of 150, incidental thyroid nodules were found in 32 patients (21.3%). Incidence was higher in women with male to female ratio of 1:3 and the average age was 36.6 years. Nodules were solitary in 13 patients (40.6%) and multiple in 19 (59.4%). 53.1% of the nodules were located bilaterally while 46.9% were unilateral, occurring in only one of the thyroid lobes. The ultrasound reports revealed margins that are ill-defined in 4 nodules and well-defined in 11 nodules. 31% of the nodules were solid and only 15.6% presented coarse and dense calcifications. Based on the morphology, 10 nodules (31.25%) were less than 5 mm in size, 13 nodules (40.6%) had sizes ranging from 5 to 10 mm, and 9 nodules (28.1%) were dominant, measuring more than 10 mm. However, no malignancy was reported. Conclusions: Although their incidence is relatively low, incidental thyroid nodules are frequently present and must be evaluated carefully for any suspicious features like solid consistency, calcifications and hypoechogenecity.
