
Presentation of adrenal mass in a tertiary care centre in Kolkata

Saurav Karmakar, Asim Kumar Das, Anupam Anand, Rahul Roy, Tapan Kumar Mandal

This article aims to provide a series of 11 cases of adrenal mass presenting at the Urology department with varied clinical presentations and their management along with their follow-up. Adrenal tumors are not infrequent nowadays. In most of the cases, adrenal incidentaloma is usually an asymptomatic and non-functional adrenal mass which is detected incidentally and does not require any therapeutic intervention. However, conditions like Adrenocortical Carcinoma (ACC), pheochromocytoma, hormone-producing adenoma or metastasis require therapeutic intervention. This study is a retrospective observational analysis of patients presented with adrenal mass in the department of Nil Ratan Sircar Medical College and Hospital (NRSMCH), Kolkata. Out of 11 patients, 6 were male and 5 were female. Thus the Male:Female (M:F) ratio was almost 50:50 in our series. Regarding presentation, 4 patients presented with incidental finding. Another 6 patients presented with abdominal pain. One patient presented with abdominal mass and rest one patient presented with functional features like headache, palpitations and sweating. Among the 11 cases, 8 patients were having myelolipoma (75%), 2 patients were of ACC and 1 patient was having pheochromocytoma.
