
Study the different incidences of Tramadol in different cities of Punjab, Pakistan

Muhammad Javaid Iqbal, Mazhar Ali, Rizwan Ghafoor, Arif Mustafa khan, Muhammad Majid Raza

Aim and Objective: The objective of this case series is to evaluate the effectiveness of Tramadol according to prescribe-rs and patient's feedback. Methodology: A cross-sectional study to assess pain management practice among patients from different hospitals of Punjab. We conducted this study and collect data from August 2020 to October 2020. A total of 740 patients were included in our study and fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Results: In our results, we find that consumption of opioids in different pain types and concluded that tramadol is the most used opioid among all other opioids. We also found its stability, safety, and efficacy parameters. We confirmed from our study tramadol is used mostly to treat acute musculoskeletal pain. Conclusion: We concluded that tramadol has lower dependency as compare to other recent opioids and have more benefits.
