
The effect of ursodeoxycholic acid on Messenger RNA hepcidin expression associated with liver fibrosis in perposed cholestasis jaundice

Bilommi R* & Sandra Y

Objectives: Cholestasis in extra hepatic obstruction induce cells stress and associated with the induction of inflammatory that correlate with hepcidin Messenger RNA (mRNA) expression. In our research we tried to analize the correlation between induced chlolestatis with MRNA expression of hepcidin. Methods : By using the 24 of Wistar rats - male with an average weight of standard 240 g, 200 g, were divided into 2 groups; artificial cholestasis without intervention and Artificial cholestasis with intervention of ursodeoxycholic acid. We use total RNA isolation from rat liver tissue by using GeneJet RNA Purification Kit (Thermo Sciencetific). Results : RNA levels were measured using a TECAN Infinate 200 NanoQuant. Hepcidin mRNA expression was measured by real-time Quantitive recieve transcription PCR LightCycler. Conclusion : MRNA expression of hepcidin decreased significantly ( p<0.01) in the ursodeoxycholic acid group. Increased Plasma hepcidin is proven associated with progression of liver fibrosis and correlated with prognosis.
