
Value Of MRI In The Diagnosis And Classification Of Oblique Vaginal Septum Syndrome

Wang Xiaoyan, Zhang Yan, Cheng Jing-Liang, Hu Ying, Wang An-Fei, Meng Fang-Fang and Liu Xi

Objective: To analyze the MRI of oblique vaginal septum syndrome (OVSS) and to assess the application of MRI in the diagnosis of OVSS.
Methods: Clinical and imaging data of 18 patients with OVSS that was confirmed by surgery were retrospectively analyzed. The patients underwent MRI examinations preoperatively. All cases involved conventional MRI (transverse T1 WI and T2 WI, coronal T2WI?and sagittal T2WI) and contrast enhancement. The manifestations of OVSS were summarized based on MRI examinations.

Results: The primary clinical symptoms of OVSS were painful menstruation and menorrhagia?The distribution of OVSS cases was as follows: type I, 1; type II?12; type ?, 5;and type IV, 0?Resections of the oblique vaginal septa were performed?18 patients were diagnosed with OVSS based on MRI scans?and were confirmed to have OVSS intraoperatively surgery. Thus, the accuracy of MRI diagnosis was 94.7?(17?18)?The MRI scans showed uterus didelphys, hydrocolpos, or hematocolpos?and revealed ipsilateral renal agenesis in all 18 cases.

Conclusion: MRI has an important clinical role in the diagnosis, classification, and evaluation of patients with OVSS
