వాల్యూమ్ 9, సమస్య 2 (2017)
పరిశోధన వ్యాసం
Role of coronary angiography in severe left ventricular systolic dysfunction and dyspnoea. Do we really follow the guidelines?
Jeremias Bayon, Melisa Santas-Alvarez, Raymundo Ocaranza-Sanchez and Carlos Gonzalez-Juanatey
కేసు నివేదిక
The "crushing'' aortic prosthesis: a fatal acute myocardial infarction
Jeremias Bayon, Melisa Santas-Alvarez, Raymundo Ocaranza-Sanchez and Carlos Gonzalez-Juanatey
పరిశోధన వ్యాసం
Two preventive multivessel stenting strategy with zotarolimus eluting stents in STelevation myocardial infarction patients: 12-month results of randomized trial
Tarasov RS, Ganyukov VI, Barbarash OL and Barbarash LS